¿Ha ido demasiado lejos el gasto de la Premier League?

Escuche el episodio completo de The Totally Football Show en Apple Podcasts, Spotify o siguiendo este enlace: La ventana de transferencia de enero está terminada y desempolvada, donde la Premier League flexionó sus músculos financieros en un grado invisible. En total, la liga inglesa gastó £ 815 millones en transferencias, lo que ha eclipsado el gasto en comparación con el resto de Europa. Solo el gasto del Chelsea fue mayor que el de todos los clubes de la Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A y Ligue 1 combinados. ¿Es esto sostenible? ¿Es justo que la Premier League tenga tanto poder financiero? James Richardson se une a Carl Anka, Duncan Alexander y Rory Smith para discutir los efectos colaterales de esta ventana de transferencia para la EPL y el fútbol mundial. The Totally Football Show está contigo tres veces por semana y te brinda todas las noticias de fútbol que necesitas saber, y muchas que no. Tenemos vistas, estadísticas y análisis de los mejores escritores de fútbol. Es inteligente, es divertido y es totalmente gratis, así que escúchanos en Apple Podcasts, Spotify o donde sea que obtengas tus podcasts. #premierleague #traspaso #chelsea

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8 respuestas a ¿Ha ido demasiado lejos el gasto de la Premier League?

  1. You guys are celebrating Benfica over River Plate that formed this amazing players, and is now starting to make some real profit on them

  2. the fact you guys don't think Enzo is impressively good and worth the price makes me wonder if you've seen him play enough, its known many clubs where tempted to pull the trigger on him but didn't have the financial back up to do so this winter/wanted a couple more games of CL to convince themselves, Chelsea knew they wouldn't be able to compete in the summer without champions league for a player like Enzo, who would go for release clause 100% because of the amount of teams that would come after him. Most british media seem uninformed, especially when most believe bellingham is around 120mill or Rice and caicedo around 80-90 million. In europe he hasn't been given the chance to play as a totally free CM in a 3, but he is way more poisonous in the box than Bellingham, he has higher G+A average than him on clubs and for country, even if he played as a DM/double over half those games, and his passing is also surreal, can't be compared with any other young player. His level of intelligence is his main attribute, very very few players understand the game and have the tools to act on it at the age of 30, let alone 22.

  3. Chelsea has gone a bit too far. I am no longer a fan of football. Now its only a rich man's game

  4. Premier League? I think you mean Chelsea….

  5. Americans when they realise there's no luxury tax when they're overspending on players.

  6. sam alo dijo:

    It feels surreal seeing the faces of the voices I listen to during my morning commute!!!!. I don't know if James will get to see this message but if you (James), I would to hear to hear your Russia 2018 world cup theme song again please. OMG best world cup ever🔥🔥🔥🔥

  7. Rory, Carl, Duncan: the A-list!

  8. sam alo dijo:

    Best football pundit on the ether-waves 💕💕

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