Fui a 4 partidos de la Premier League en 50 horas

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26 respuestas a Fui a 4 partidos de la Premier League en 50 horas

  1. Bro left the best game of the season to watch everton vs saints

  2. Kari Whitney dijo:

    My teacher was at the game rooting for tot favorite player son

  3. Are u joking me £13 85 for just a hotdog what a rip off 😮😮😮😮😮Southampton my best team because I live in eastliegh

  4. Sanad _ yt dijo:

    Futcrunch is my home
    I love you futcrunch

  5. Dylan dijo:

    Every Everton fan is a old person
    … I swear💀

  6. Holden cook dijo:

    At the start that person bib this 😂

  7. Holden cook dijo:

    At the start that person bib this 😂

  8. Braylon dijo:

    Bro think he jesser

  9. MoreDantdm dijo:

    He’s the best fifa YouTuber that I subbed to him and now I’m watching him so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  10. blue playz dijo:

    Pov:arsenal Vs spurs be like:
    I hate you
    You hate me
    Let's team up and kill Barney
    AND A 4X4

  11. 1ne_Eye dijo:

    8:10 Man could not react to the, just watch it LOL

  12. ANIMEX dijo:

    Did the women in back just hi in the camera

  13. Lidia Rotaru dijo:

    Bro did you see that lady smiling in your video

  14. Bill Joice dijo:


  15. liam HORNBY dijo:

    I support Leeds 💙 ❤

  16. PomBooYT dijo:

    That girl behind him when he started the challenge 😆

  17. Bro Manchester united score 2-1 I'm so happy

  18. Help! dijo:

    I love this guy he supports arsenal!

  19. Zxens dijo:

    Soccer jesser respects

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