¿Puede el Arsenal aplastar a United como PSV? Show sesgado de la Premier League

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42 respuestas a ¿Puede el Arsenal aplastar a United como PSV? Show sesgado de la Premier League

  1. @AFTVmedia dijo:

    🤑 Use code ‘AFTV10’ for an EXTRA 10% OFF all boohooMAN menswear, excluding selected lines: https://boohooman.app.… #ad

  2. …football had banter before Ty was even born…stay silent bro…!!!!

  3. Ty Why are you shouting? 🤦‍♂️😂😂I can't even hear what's going on. Chill bro. .

  4. @bertengel27 dijo:

    Nope..united will park the bus n nick a scoreless draw

  5. No

    Arsenal will probably win 2-1

  6. I hate videos with Ty in them.. you should have a under 18 channel for those videos because u have to be 10 years old to put up with listening to him

  7. @sullaybjr dijo:

    Robbie we Man United don't care about the game. We're desperate for Europa

  8. When's Gonzo and Elmo joiing the crew. Oscar the clown here is stinking the place out.

  9. @mrpotato442 dijo:

    Ty getting more bitter and twisted each week…..its at the point where he doesn't expect opposition fans to celebrate scoring goals or results for their teams.

  10. Firstly ty wants everyone else to big up his team 😂😂😂 like we fans tf!! And then why does he have the dumb beanie on?!😂😂😂 tool

  11. As an Arsenal fan, I'm almost unhappy we went invincible, because it's given Ty lifelong ammunition. Hearing "have you ever gone unbeaten" in response to Fulham or Forest fans poking harmless fun at us is insane.

  12. @delesolanke dijo:

    Ty is entertaining proper die hard fanboy and its his opinion/belief he’s “different”. Give him his flowers before you miss him. Life’s too short 💜🖤

  13. So much pent up anger in one man, it's unbelievable.

  14. @henok3011 dijo:

    Robbie you might aswel just put a brick wall on the show instead of TY 🤣

  15. @richwho61 dijo:

    Ty ….Arsenal were relegated 1913. Forrest are 2 time European Cup Champions.
    Let them banter they are a great club.

  16. @Perera_95 dijo:

    I don’t know what everyone is on about Ty is a legend No Ty, No Biased show…

  17. How is Ty still being given air time.

    I have to stop the episode again

  18. Ty is the yes man everybody needs in their friend group. Absolutely love him to pieces for his undeterred support for the club ❤️

  19. This dude Ty can’t be on the show if we’re trying to have a serious talk

  20. You can't need a striker if u beat psv 7-1 your just bottle jobs team

  21. Real Madrid will put you in your place

  22. Robbie please for the love of god get rid of Ty he is killing this show I really look forward to watching this show but Ty is really embarrassing and killing the show PLEASE GET RID OF HIM

  23. @Serge018 dijo:

    I have never seen a clip on AFTV that Ty hasn't embarrassed himself with delusional takes and childish behaviour

  24. @anzsolo1025 dijo:

    Ty’s argument is weak. Even IF there was no red cards in those three games, and we went onto win. That’s only 7pts! The penalty against Brighton, two more points. We’re 13pts behind my friend.

  25. Ty deluded as usual listen to the question

  26. @PalmsMusic dijo:

    sorry to say, you need to relegate TY.

  27. This guy has been going to matches for 40 years, how can't he handle chants, it's embarrassing.

  28. @howyesno68 dijo:

    Boy, Robbie is talking about 4 seasons in a row and deluded Ty constantly talking about 3 red cards from this season. That Ty guy is lost on many levels..

  29. @Madredneck dijo:

    Imagine compare that eyebrow with Brian Clough !!! This 🤡 Ty needs a good slap !

  30. @callum5955 dijo:

    As a country Dubai is beautiful.. almost as bad as his preditions

  31. Man United haven't been a side we for some reason but i have no doubt we beat these men once we take a few chances like psv 4:1 or 4 : 0

  32. Know their there place?…. This fool thinks Arsenal are prime Real Madrid 🙄

  33. @SYN7ACKS dijo:

    We're not two minutes into the vid and Ty's already barking off 😂

  34. Ty is going off topic leave Nottingham forest alone and talk about something else

  35. Lets not get ahead of ourselves when it comes to Man united. They dumped us out of the FA CUP. I am taking it game by game

  36. I think we’ll win 2-0,but I’m ready for absolutely anything 🤷🏻‍♂️

  37. Why is Robbie cosplaying a Pilgrim?

  38. @Brodda-Syd dijo:

    Ty Nah Undastan BANTA
    Ty! Embrace the BANTER and throw it back at them!

  39. Arteta take gunners out of the rubbish yu fi got already. Robbie.

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