Keane V Vieira: la rivalidad de jugadores más feroces de la Premier League

La rivalidad entre Roy Keane y Patrick Vieira es una de las más intensas en la historia de la Premier League, perfectamente combinada con las feroces batallas entre el Manchester United y el Arsenal a fines de la década de 1990 y principios de los años 2000. Ambos eran líderes dominantes, que encarnaban el espíritu de lucha de sus clubes. Sus enfrentamientos a menudo se volvían personales. Esta es la historia de Roy Keane y Patrick Vieira. Marcas de tiempo de tiempo 0:00 Introducción 1:13 Keane V Vieira 2:06 Premier llamando 5:19 Trouble de agudos 6:50 para mí, 8:14 Sr. Invincible 9:51 Tunnel Vision Suscríbete a la Liga de la Premier de la Premier League Channel: Premier League Sitio web: Siga la Liga Premier en Instagram: Siga la Liga de la Premier League en la Liga Premier de la Liga Premier: Siga la Liga de la Premier: como la Liga Premier: Siga la Liga de Instagram: Siga la Liga de la Premier League en la Liga Premier de la Liga Premier. Premier League: para licenciar imágenes del partido de la Premier League: #football #premierleague #soccer Su seguridad en línea Visite el sitio web de explotación y protección en línea de niños para obtener apoyo confidencial si algo ha sucedido en línea, lo que le ha hecho sentir inseguro, si está preocupado por otra persona o informar abusos en línea. (Debe comunicarse con la policía llamando al 999 si usted o alguien más está en peligro. Visite el sitio web ThinkUknok de CEOP para obtener asesoramiento y orientación sobre el surf y mantenerse seguro en línea, por ejemplo, cuando use teléfonos móviles, blogs, redes sociales, chat, juegos en línea y correo electrónico (también puede visitar la página de seguridad de la liga principal para obtener más información (((((((((

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46 respuestas a Keane V Vieira: la rivalidad de jugadores más feroces de la Premier League

  1. Was Roy Keane v Patrick Vieira the greatest player rivalry in Premier League history? If not, who tops your list?

  2. @Julsdoy dijo:

    No one will come close to what they have done

  3. @a-1286 dijo:

    Now we have sissys

  4. How I wish I could go back to 1993

  5. WOW =those were the days =They were out of this world

  6. @John-ml8qf dijo:

    When football was played by true guys unlike today where softies are playing.

  7. I miss this era of football…its sad to say but in this era this rivalry would've been about race instead of 2 men…who have a desire to all costs.

  8. people don't realise how grateful they should be that they had, Alex Ferguson and Wenger, they made the premier league what it is today!

  9. @ghostoflite dijo:

    I feel like the game has become soft where is the passion where is the fire 🎉

  10. @ghostoflite dijo:

    Yep this was premier League at its best someone should rewind back time

  11. @blasterskv1 dijo:

    Golden era of football late nineties early 2000's

  12. In football history, Patrick Vieira is among the greatest DMs ever. Absolutely, there was a rivalry. However, it is absurd to compare Patrick to a mediocre player such as Keane. Roy Keane was bang average but passionate midfielder.

  13. @oluseyi8764 dijo:

    When men are playing football.

  14. @Ayah_Mia dijo:

    When football still played by REAL MEN'S

  15. Imagine playing with both of them in your team and you mess up…..instant coffin dancing guys😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. @Topsey2000 dijo:

    Personally 4 Man Utd v Arsenal games make the Top 10 Greatest PL games of all time!
    Man Utd 2-0 04/05 The most controversial + most poorly refereed PL game
    Ars 2-2 Man Utd 02/03 The most exciting PL game. My favourite
    Man Utd 0-0 Ars 03/04 The greatest PL ending
    Man Utd 0-1 Ars 01/02 To win the PL at Old Trafford was historic
    Bonus Man Utd 2-1 Ars 98/99 The greatest FA Cup match
    Will the PL ever be as exciting?

  17. Lads, this is why Premier League > the rest of the other leagues combined

  18. It meant more to the players back then. It was personal for them.

  19. tunnel incident's 2005 so art of football ang MEMORABLE

  20. The Premier League is what it is today all because of this era and this rivalry between Wenger and Ferguson.

  21. This rivalry ended with Ronaldo.

  22. Glad I grew up in that era ❤❤

  23. Now it's Gabriel v Haaland

  24. @hema1074 dijo:

    When real men played football not for showing off

  25. Keane played dirtier vs Vieira because he had to compensate for height and skill differences imo

  26. I think arsenal and United made the epl popular in the world.

  27. If the other team plays attack and our team also plays attack, we will win the PremierLeague. Premier League is always second because of the teams playing about 10 low-level defenders. So now even Serie A looks better than Premier League. The Premier League will gradually decline because the quality of the referees is not ready and some teams play too defensively.

  28. If Mohamed Salah can't move,there is no poison. The teams in the PremierLeague are afraid of this are giving up before the start of the match. If we are Arsenal, they think about how to close the game and start the match. The standard is too low. Some of the teams in the Premier League. So, the League will soon fall behind other leagues .

  29. @daddymonyet dijo:

    Keane and Vieira would make any other midfielder world class in a diamond midfield.

  30. @chezm0th dijo:

    Keane is just everybody's enemy

  31. @realife1542 dijo:

    I’ve seen most the footage from this rivalry but some of the stuff in this video is things I haven’t seen

  32. Who cares ancient history between two has been clubs. Irrelevant today. Wouldn't get in any prem team now either of them.

  33. We all know how the ref robbed Arsenal that day

  34. That period of Ferguson Vs Wenger was great, the 2 top teams with managers and players that hated each other.

  35. Every time these 2 teams played, it was described as Keane vs Vieira. That’s how great they were!

  36. @eclectica1 dijo:

    Has Vieira been on The Overlap yet?

  37. Premier league still milking this, as the only saying goes ' never let a good story go to waste ' only recycle it 😂😂😂

  38. Premiee league attitude era

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