1 fan de cada club de la Premier League compite por £ 10,000

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Música proporcionada por NocopyrightSounds. Mire más NCS en YouTube: Descarga gratuita / transmisión: 02:46 | Pista: más plástico y halvorsen – Sunrise [NCS Release]
Música proporcionada por NocopyrightSounds. Reloj: descarga gratuita / transmisión: 13:03 | Track: Ariadne – Karma [NCS Release]
Música proporcionada por NocopyrightSounds. Reloj: descarga gratuita / transmisión: 23:04 | Track: Centric – superar [Arcade Release]
Música proporcionada por NocopyrightSounds Descarga gratuita/Transmisión: Mira: 52:53 | Glad All Over (Remaster 2019) por el Dave Clark Five, ID de licencia: Gpyxxpeoyaq Si desea usar música de artistas famosos, intente Lickd para obtener créditos de pista y música de stock ilimitada: 01:05:14 | Arreglarlo por Coldplay, ID de licencia: ez8qdwleyn4 Si desea usar música de artistas famosos, intente Lickd para obtener créditos de pista y música de stock ilimitada: Editar Equipo: Jefe de edición: Jamie Archer Editor: Jonathan Ward Editor: Ben Manning Editor: Darragh O'Reilly Production Team: Production Manager: Jess Thompon Director de contenido: Jamie Bristow Productora: LAURA SEABRY VIDEO VIDEO: TEDDYDY MAYOWDY MAYOWDE: TEDDY MAYOWDE: TEDDY MAYO AL MAYO MAYO TRENO: TEDY MUY MUY MUY MUY MUY MAYO. por sonido epidémico (

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41 respuestas a 1 fan de cada club de la Premier League compite por £ 10,000

  1. How did you find a city fan that’s impossible

  2. @gapho.4287 dijo:

    fella shouldve scored some more pens warra sook

  3. 6 wins a row fir the Albion now

  4. @woeisemilie dijo:

    So so happy to see Cam 😍

  5. Chris wanted the best chance of arsenal to win so out theo in

  6. I only watch to see weller win 🎉❤

  7. @gulpp5052 dijo:

    leave it up to theo to get actually mad in a panna match. such a sad mf

  8. @samzee413 dijo:

    NAH.. That's an outrageous statement from Harry @47:39 🤣🤣

  9. as an american arsenal fan who was mortified to see the ksi and logan paul arsenal partnership, i absolutely was happy to see joe weller winning this meaningless youtube video. i also miss joe being more present in the general youtube football content.

    so to all those saying “no one wanted that” then youre wrong

  10. @Fakipo dijo:

    Not having Minter on here is criminal ngl

  11. @WGN_Show dijo:

    Joe weller 2025 comeback is one for the ages

  12. why you skip pass randy so fast at 0:58 lmao

  13. 41:50 so happy it’s a villa fan that got sent flying

  14. @scottyh1238 dijo:

    "I haven't been this nervous since the final episode of Grey's Anatomy"……somebody doesn't know that Grey's Anatomy is still going strong and in it's 21st season.

  15. @Pantallicaa dijo:

    harry & ethan were extra autistic in this video

  16. @MC89KY dijo:

    Bournemouth fan is a melt…..what a drip

  17. stop inviting Theo… hes insufferable

  18. @dondon252 dijo:

    glad to see harry enjoying himself

  19. @LevTri dijo:

    Video idea was great but the reffing was definitely annoying after a while…kinda ruined the competition

  20. That intro is the greatest thing I have seen all year.

  21. @hawkbrien dijo:

    I'm just happy as a United fan to see us back in the top half of the table

  22. @f0lsen dijo:

    Okay, we need Simon to save this channel from the ultimate villain

  23. The end was crazy that 9 in a row was unexpected but deserved lmaoo

  24. Cam being in the video makes it 20 times better, need more of him!

  25. 0:00 show me a more un-athletic group of men… I'll wait

  26. Joe Weller absolute legend !!

  27. Absolute legendary video, amazing concepts once again !

  28. Joe's redemption arcs will never bore me because he was my childhood hero.

  29. Joe Waller….all the people competing didn’t want him to win again but I think we can all agree that the viewers did 🔥🔥 another banger of a video

  30. @_faiyadh dijo:

    Harry is such a freaking legend, he's just genuinely so funny

  31. Can you do it With the campionship 😊

  32. @legster983 dijo:

    It’s nice to see Randy after what went on with his shop x

  33. @4heat4 dijo:

    Joe is so comedy 😂

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