¡¡HEUNG-MIN SON ANOTA DESDE UNA ESQUINA!! 😵 | Tottenham Hotspur 4-3 Manchester United | Lo más destacado de la Copa Carabao

¡LOS SPURS ALCANZAN LA SEMIFINAL DE LA COPA CARABAO DESPUÉS DE UN EMOCIÓN EN EL NORTE DE LONDRES AL VENCER AL MANCHESTER UNITED 4-3! Dos goles de Dom Solanke, Dejan Kulusevski y Heung-Min Son nos ayudan a llegar a la semifinal contra el Liverpool ¡SPURSPLAY está en vivo! Compruébalo ahora ► SUSCRÍBETE para asegurarte de no perderte ningún vídeo del canal de YouTube de los Spurs. ¡Presiona la campana para recibir notificaciones sobre nuestras últimas cargas! ► Suscríbete: ¡SÍGUENOS! Instagram: Twitch: TikTok: Twitter: Facebook: Descargue la aplicación Spurs:

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49 respuestas a ¡¡HEUNG-MIN SON ANOTA DESDE UNA ESQUINA!! 😵 | Tottenham Hotspur 4-3 Manchester United | Lo más destacado de la Copa Carabao

  1. @gamekyuc dijo:

    Martinez not good enough. Buy Son now !

  2. @andi-o8v dijo:

    bang buatin ketika ehsan meninggal dan jadi hantu

  3. Foster is a world class player and legend

  4. @tdawes33 dijo:

    great pass to Kulusevski from the defender (on pass?). great corner, but i didn't think you could grab the keepers arm

  5. Akhirnya minggu gue bisa tenang tanpan suara fans MU yang biasanya berisik pas menang..🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. @o22ieN17 dijo:

    Both goalies are so dam shit

  7. @derwinjax dijo:

    What a bend! ‘Bend it like Son’

  8. SON should be in bigger club now

  9. @r0yalr0sePT dijo:

    The only player Amorim can really trust is Diallo, imagine if he played the whole game

  10. Its actually so lovely and refreshing to see that Stevie Wonder has started editing videos. So happy for him 😎

  11. Keeper need to practice passing

  12. SON IS COOK NOW🔥🔥🔥🥶🥶

  13. Im so confused how is the corner goal allowed? Clear contact with goalie

  14. Sekelas kiper kiper priemer leg pun pernah blunder sperti martin dan ernando, saya kira ini hal yg biasa di dunia persepakbbolaan

  15. Ok but that was clearly a foul lol

  16. Son is din din din din din ❤

  17. Shocking goal of Son!!! Congratulation Son your the best!!

  18. @chkchk-p8e dijo:

    원더골 제조기💙🤍

  19. @Gear3rd dijo:

    선수시절 항상 감독이 말씀하셨다
    패스도 스로인도 코너도 골문쪽을 향하라고..

  20. Amorin choose wrong player. Dzirkzee and dialo super sub thank you. Solanke very amazing perfom

  21. We still get more views when we beat Man U as opposed to City

  22. @gao-rq4ju dijo:


  23. When a stopable force meets a movable object

  24. 메시도 못한갈 흥민이가 해냄

  25. @donkey9113 dijo:

    shouldn't have been a goal tho, bergvall is pushing the hand down from bayindir.. that var is not even checking it is crazy

  26. @크크룡 dijo:

    I don't know how many times I've watched this video to see Son's goal. The trajectory is unbelievably beautiful.

  27. See, that is SONNY!👍
    Tottenham, pull yourself together for god’s sake, treat SONNY the right way!

  28. 맨유가 넣은 3골 모두 승부조작 의심할만한 골 아니냐? 2골은 골기퍼가 일부러 내주고, 3번째골은 수비수가 대놓고 자기 골문으로 해딩하고.

  29. 토트넘 꼭 우승하는거 보고싶다

    흥민선수 웃는거 보니 좋아요

  30. @irfanikky dijo:

    Yes, from an obvious foul on the keeper. Shouldn't be your name for the video 😉

  31. جوناثان في الدوري المصري عملها مرتين اي بقى

  32. So nice Sonny!!!!!🎉🎉

  33. @coocdan dijo:

    토트넘 골키퍼 왜저따위냐

  34. 골키퍼 항의도 일리가 있다. 15번 선수가 골키퍼 점프할때 팔이 겹치면서 방해가 된 것, 그러나 자리 먼저 선점하고 점프 했으면 막았을텐데.. 결과적으론 골키퍼가 방심한거지. 멋진골 넣은 손흥민이 미래다.

  35. @itZsfAIR dijo:

    these highlights too long

  36. Who else feel this match is scripted?

  37. Son's goal was clearly faul…

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