Nuestras últimas predicciones de la Premier League…

¡Nuestras predicciones (finales) de Gameweek 28 antes del receso internacional con el comentarista de Sky Sports Pien Meulensteen! Siga a Pien en Instagram – Siga a Pien en Twitter – ↓Abrir para enlaces↓ ►FACEBOOK: ►Twitter: ►INSTAGRAM: ►Consultas comerciales: =============== ===============================

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36 respuestas a Nuestras últimas predicciones de la Premier League…

  1. Thogden dijo:

    Comment which guest you’d like on next 👀

  2. Wilss dijo:

    "The Wanderers always have a tendency of beating Leeds"
    Says this after Leeds had beaten Wolves in their last 2 league meetings.

  3. Gavin Liddle dijo:

    How wrong can you be wolves 2-4 leeds💙💛🤍

  4. Alex 676 dijo:

    Leeds vs wolves was sooo miss predicted ahaha. What a game btw 6 goals 2 red cards 7 yellows.

  5. Halo 3 dijo:

    4-2 Leeds, have that u Tory cunts

  6. Tom Storey dijo:

    You really need to stop commenting on Leeds as you know nothing about them

  7. Wai Will dijo:

    Lol at the Wolves Vs Leeds match 😂

  8. can you please bring on joe thomlinsen

  9. They all said wolves would beat Leeds but what happened ey
    Leeds 4
    Wolves 2
    Get in there Leeds will continue to march on and will survive relagation I will not stop believing

  10. Haha. We won 4-2. Unlucky you lot.
    We can’t see Leeds beating Wolves.
    Leeds: you got karma. We won 4-2.
    Must be painful watching Bolton.

  11. Ghost Spraya dijo:

    Thogden what are you on about. Before leeds played wolves yesterday leeds didn't lose to wolves in their last 3 games now 4. L ball knowledge

  12. Rokovar dijo:

    Your dad is a muppet,, do not let him ruin you

  13. Irish guy I would like to see pls

  14. Opal dijo:

    wazzocks saying we wouldnt beat wolves ahaha look at the past 3 results between us in the prem

  15. "I can't see leeds beating Wolves" leeds continues to win 4-2

  16. Woww, lol y'all got everything wrong

  17. Cryptic dijo:

    thogden has negative ball knowledge

  18. Alex dijo:

    "The Wanderers always have a tendency to beat Leeds". last 4 results in prem Leeds 4 – 2 Wolves, Leeds 2 – 1 Wolves, Wolves 2- 3 Leeds, Leeds 1-1Wolves, all time results Leeds = 45 wins Wolves = 36 wins. What the hell you on about?

  19. The leeds agenda is real

  20. Josh Biggs dijo:

    Your a mug thogden never picking leeds to win!!

  21. this man will blow your mind is julian nagelsmann

  22. The guest has to be Jonathan Morley

  23. Taryn Sassy. dijo:

    Can we have Chris md on

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