Controversia por penalización tardía ATURDE a los Spurs mientras los Saints contraatacan | DESTACADOS | Southampton 3-3 Espuelas

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32 respuestas a Controversia por penalización tardía ATURDE a los Spurs mientras los Saints contraatacan | DESTACADOS | Southampton 3-3 Espuelas

  1. Worst penalty call of the season, cannot understand VAR not telling ref to go to the screen.

  2. Joe Ward dijo:

    Everyone apart from Kane and Romero

  3. Swagsterj18 dijo:

    I’m so tired of putting all my energy, support and time on a club with a board and players who don’t give a single f in this world, I don’t care if we play bad or are having a bad season, I’m asking for any sort of passion??? Where is the desire and fighting spirit to win a game? 3-1 lead with 15 minutes left and can’t even get 3p in the end? I’m sorry but wtf is happening at this club, why are we keeping conte, it’s obviously not gonna get better after the press conference and just all the negative energy around the club right now, we need UCL next season if we want to attract new players and do a rebuild so PLEASE get your shit together before the season ends so we that we somehow can get top 4

  4. 소영 dijo:

    Eric Dier Legend Match

    Be sure to watch the play with the Eric Dyer Cam

    Eric Dyer has a good family background, so he must have given Levy money back. How do you renew a contract with a player like that?

    Do you just stand still and blame the offense?

    In a 3-on-1 situation, not blaming yourself for being eaten and blaming the offense is an out as a pro.

    Attitude is the worst

    Does Eric Dyer have no conscience?

    Make sure to play by focusing on each person

    Tottenham can't win without Eric Dier

    Tottenham's defense is the biggest problem

    Eric Dier is the biggest problem on defense.

  5. BiliCcir dijo:

    Kane Sonny go other team..and Conte Dier Peri should work together and then they will know

  6. 리자코 dijo:

    If somebody think Kane or some of SPURS players are not selfish, just watch the Napoli matches and learn how their strikers and other players are doing.

  7. IDDQD dijo:

    Sell ​​all defenders except Romero. it's all trash

  8. Jane Doe dijo:

    I wish Sonny all the best. After this season he will understand, loyalty means nothing. He is only remembered with his goal and team achievement.
    Sonny should be selfish and make many goals then win trophy.
    His contract till 2025, he will stay till the end or move this summer or next summer, I will continue support this club for him (even painfull 😂).

    Sonny has been staying at the same club for 8 season. but he has 4 different manager, he survived all of them (got caught up this season). For the last 4 years, he felt like playing for Seri A, when the player is sitting for 60 min. He can survive at any league

  9. It’s sad because Conte is correct about some players and the club. Tottenham isn’t prepared to win yet, but some of the problem is his fault.

  10. Mir K dijo:

    Kane without Son = Normal
    Son without Perisic = Creative
    Kane and Son with Perisic = Disaster
    Dier with all = No hope
    Conte without Perisic = No home
    Selfish without teamwork = lose
    Management without control = lose
    Tactics without thinking = lose
    Lose without change = lose again
    This team against all = easy to win

  11. TurKorean dijo:

    Napoli vs Tottenham If these two teams face off, who will win?

  12. The Truth dijo:

    I'm a loyal spurs fan and have supported them all my life. I've always brought merch and tickets but ever since Enic tried to get us into that European super League I haven't given them one penny. Until Enic our out of my club my wallet remains closed.

  13. marcusezikel dijo:

    As an Arsenal fan…well you can just imagine the feeling. #thanksTheo #onceagunneralwaysagunner #mindthegap

  14. 모순 dijo:

    Dyer is nothing more than a pitiful 90kg nugget. Even if this brainless Englishman played in the Kuwaiti League, he would be playing a lot of stupid things. He symbolizes the failures of English football and Tottenham.

  15. mint choco dijo:

    If I'm the manager, and I have a full of top quality players in my team, I could win something!! But what is the manager's role? Look Arsenal and Napoli !! A manager should train them in a right way and make use of their strong points. But Conte forced some of his players not to play in their best position for his wingback tactics. Yes, he can do this, but his players were just not good enough to do that, so he had to change quickly!! When those tactics failed, all the blames went to certain players…. But Conte said "Don't protect players, they should get blamed" 😂😂😂 Some players have always got all the blames instead of Conte all this season. This season must be very important to some players in their life, so Conte was wrong about what he said in front of the press. The players' confidence must have declined because they kept running in positions and tactics that didn't fit. It's NOT about their PASSION !! Conte is the one who made them in that low passion condition this season !! 🔥🔥🔥

  16. mint choco dijo:

    Conte's wingback tactics are old, always the same, not efficient, not flexible. He failed in using the players. Emerson is not a wingback, but a defender. Perisic is not a wingback, but a winger or an attacker. But Conte used them as a wingback all this season… That was the problem from the first. But Conte NEVER changed anything… alwalys the same ttactics… And Sonny had to go down to help Perisic bcz he is not good at defending, so Sonny's attacking ability was lowered as well…. and all the fans blamed only Sonny …. 😤😤😤 So many fans wanted Conte to buy a good defender, but Conte was satisfied with Dier 😅 And he kept buying a winger and another winger….. and some of them still on the bench… 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ (40 goals lost in 28 games) He subbed in an attacker when needing more defending, and subbed in a defender when needing more attacking.  But he just doesn't want to get blamed about his tactical failures… He just can't admit he could be wrong..

  17. Big Slim dijo:

    Today I went in the kitchen with a Tottenham jersey, I couldn't lift the cup😭😭

  18. Dier, Perisic fuck fuck fuck

  19. 어떻게 이것들은 ❤ 그냥 경기 보고 즐겨라 악담하지말구

  20. 조덕수 dijo:

    Sonny made many goals already
    How much sonny needs to prove he is one of best player of p.l?

    Spurs needs to help sonny more it will make spurs winning.

  21. 소영 dijo:

    Is Eric Dyer a scarecrow?

    Even when Kane is next to the goalpost, he just stands still, lethargic.

    How is he nationally? Eric Dyer is subject to release

    Recruit a defender who defends aggressively

    Release Eric Dyer from standing still

    Recruit players with passion and aspirations

    Pedro Poro was a very good recruit

    Do you defend next to the goal post because you don't trust Kane?

  22. 토트넘 가장 큰 문제는 콘테 페리시치 다이어 이들 3명 때문에 토트넘은 어떤 리그에서도 우승을 할수없다 손흥민 이제는 토트넘 떠나라 레비는 우승에는 관심없고 돈벌이에만 관심있다
    토트넘의 전성기는 지나갔다 축하한다 토트넘 안녕ㅎ

  23. It hurts me for tottenham when i see tanguy ndombele at napoli about to win a serie A title….. everyone who leaves go on to win sonething😢

  24. Nevermind dijo:

    Dier, Perisic was also the worst, but Oliver Skipp was the worst player in this game ☹☹☹

  25. yu dijo:

    Pls stay Conte, n Daniel….listen to ur employee #COYS we need trophy soon with these players

  26. Mir K dijo:

    Who is the striker and winger in this team?
    Kane? Son? Nope! It's great Perisic!
    Haha again again no hope in this team.

  27. 부산남자 dijo:

    Please out Dier… release Dier, he don't know where he has to be.

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