¡Mi Draft de la Premier League de Sorare!

► Únete a mi Liga Sorare: (AD) #shorts

Camisetas Arsenal Entérate de las últimas noticias del fútbol español y europeo. Con las principales novedades de la Liga y la Champions League.

Esta entrada fue publicada en Fútbol Internacional. Guarda el enlace permanente.

20 respuestas a ¡Mi Draft de la Premier League de Sorare!

  1. Do u support Chelsea because you look like mason mount

  2. Who else saw this on an advert

  3. I some how got more points and had worse team first time out I got 268 I had Sven bottman loris in goal zaha Martin og and haaland

  4. Kieran66 dijo:

    Mate I've got, pope, botman, party, rashford and haaland

  5. Aaron Wright dijo:

    Well done on the success danny

  6. Bob Fielder dijo:

    Zero ball knowledge from paarons

  7. AT_Editz dijo:

    Danny does not know what he is saying. He picked fabinho

  8. FifawithBigT dijo:

    Hey Danny

    1v1 me

    Go look at my channel because I’m not holding back

    I’m going to make a video every day till you notice me

  9. Liam Atmih dijo:

    I mean danny does not know ball picking fabinho

  10. Light Yagami dijo:

    Wow such a informative video 🤓

  11. Tim Wildeman dijo:

    Can you put the link in the comments? Because i can't find it

  12. BigBoyBigDog dijo:

    What autism does to your speaking levels

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