VER EN VIVO | Grupo de la Premier League | Mesa Uno

Mira la acción en vivo desde la mesa uno en Premier League Pool. #premierleaguepool #matchroompool #nineball #piscina

Camisetas EGIPTO Fútbol Disfruta de las mejores noticias de la Liga BBVA, Liga Adelante, Champions League, fútbol internacional y mucho más.

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9 respuestas a VER EN VIVO | Grupo de la Premier League | Mesa Uno

  1. Why? Women playing in men's tournaments I'm 68 and I'll play any women in the world for $$$ get rid of jump cues in tournaments

  2. You can teach a ten year old how to jump in 10 minutes. But cannot teach kicking that fast.

  3. The jump shot and jump cue needs to be removed from professional pool

  4. :) dijo:

    Naoyuki "Sushi Bazooka" Oi, Goodjob!!

  5. Are these matches double elimination or a point system of sorts?

    I think I just FSR playing live, but I recall seeing him already lose two matches?

  6. What a bank shot by Sky !

  7. 51:12 Jason Shaw 4 – 5 Naoyuki Oi 03/07/2023
    2:16:30 SVB 3 – 5 Chris Melling
    3:07:26 Earl Strickland 3 – 5 Alex Pagulayan
    3:53:00 FSR 4 – 5 Skyler Woodward

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