VER EN VIVO | Grupo de la Premier League | Mesa Uno

Mira la acción en vivo desde la mesa uno en Premier League Pool. #premierleaguepool #matchroompool #nineball #piscina

Camisetas ALEMANIA Noticias de Fútbol – Diario de Noticias de Navarra

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11 respuestas a VER EN VIVO | Grupo de la Premier League | Mesa Uno

  1. Zuzu & a VX dijo:

    Theres an outlet comg out of the bottom of the table that thing it could be way more well hid

  2. Darin Foy dijo:

    This is one of the most entertaining events I have ever spectated. Great job Matchroom, I love the format.

  3. Where is joshua filler ? Why he is not joining PLP ?

  4. Arnel Pijuan dijo:

    Alex Lely sounds like a university professor but talks nonsense.

  5. Flirting without saying a word fsr vs seo 😆😆😆

  6. Kierron dijo:

    Can anyone shed any light on why Jayson Shaw is breaking with his playing cue?

  7. bmac78 dijo:

    Can anyone tell me why they said after the WC final that Soufi made the Premier League and why he's not playing?

  8. What happened to "the virus" ? what it a hoax? …….. YES. Hold the scumbags accountable.

  9. Everything about your coverage has been exemplary! Thank you.

  10. Pat Niccolai dijo:

    Thank you Matchoom ~ excellent tournament

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