Hicimos 100 tiros contra un portero de la Premier League y marcamos ___ goles

Hicimos 100 tiros contra un portero de la Premier League y necesitábamos al menos 1 gol para mantener vivo mi canal. Canal de Ben Foster: Canal de Simon: ► Ropa No.10: ► Sígueme en Instagram: ► Sígueme en Twitter: Mi editor: Música: Arc North – First Light at 5:25 Música de Epidemic Sound (y otros.

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49 respuestas a Hicimos 100 tiros contra un portero de la Premier League y marcamos ___ goles

  1. J Harrell dijo:

    these people are pay to win💀💀💀

  2. Shed Gaming dijo:

    Simon is saucy at football

  3. cwinowich dijo:

    uh this goalie isn't trying very hard or something

  4. Simon is such a snake bruh

  5. BeatByTrip dijo:

    yooo this keeper had so much fun what a awsome thing to see

  6. Eli snapper dijo:

    Bro if Ben can’t save some shots from non pros I’m a little dissatisfied, some of the less known “worse” goalkeepers were better than this, no hate just feels like false advertisement mate

  7. G S dijo:

    11:28 Robert Green flashback lol

  8. 3:41 the reflex he has to put his hand down to not cause a corner

  9. I find it hard to believe that a professional goalkeeper has never seen a ball curve before.

  10. Leo Kwak dijo:

    He needed the jabulani

  11. Tim Lewis dijo:

    I was rubbish at football. I remember in a PE lesson at school, an even more rubbish friend of mine called James went to take a penalty against me and tripped over the ball!

  12. Ben Forter is such a cool and chill guy haha, nice collab!

  13. Friqx dijo:

    6:10 Ben is actually fuming

  14. McbowanRL dijo:

    Where can I get a jabulani

  15. the amount of times they hit crossbar and post is mental

  16. )*🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  17. Mimo Dyker dijo:

    I want to see those haters stand between those post and make some safes 😚

  18. I like how Chris kicks the ball

  19. Finlay581 dijo:

    Football is the best football football is the best

  20. DragonMC 200 dijo:

    He didnt jump bro wouldve held so many

  21. He is an elf keeper for now

  22. 8:36 lol watch power and precision and that is normal movement on each shot

  23. OscarGH dijo:

    He is not in the premier league now he got kicked out

  24. I love ben, hes a legend. Hoping for many more collabs in his retirement

  25. Lil nas dijo:

    They missed the target lile a zillion times

  26. Ollytt2000 dijo:

    Chris’ last goal where Ben fumbled it didn’t even cross the line

  27. hariz ihsan dijo:

    Not just any gk. Former Manchester player

  28. Ahmed Ali dijo:

    Certified free kick merchants

  29. I’m a golly and I’m better then him and I am 7

  30. BENJE dijo:

    Ben Foster the goat of goalkeeping

  31. Benjisportz dijo:


  32. DeeP 88 dijo:

    Ben Foster was just doing it easy on Simon and Chris

  33. This guy is my home goal keeper

  34. Kitonas dijo:

    I destroyed my knee over 10 years ago and I would have scored more, just give me a chance

  35. HE SHOOOTS, AND HEEEEE scuffs it :/

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