PDC Premier League of Darts 2020 | Week 14 | van Gerwen (1) – Durrant (13)


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Esta entrada fue publicada en Fútbol Internacional. Guarda el enlace permanente.

8 respuestas a PDC Premier League of Darts 2020 | Week 14 | van Gerwen (1) – Durrant (13)

  1. spysea horse dijo:

    nice one duzza 1 point bettet than nothing.

  2. Laserbeak dijo:

    Just paint the old darts black. Why make it so difficult ?

  3. tranzLift416 dijo:

    MVG throwing with different darts in this match than with Wright, not surprised after that dismal performance. A bit better here but still not seeing the dominant MVG yet.

  4. You're the best in the world, Michael. Keep moving forward.

  5. Brandon dijo:

    Oh shit this could bite him in the ass. Must win the last two games now

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