ÚLTIMA HORA: Man City 'emprende acciones legales' contra la Premier League por reglas financieras

► Suscríbase a Sky Sports News: el Manchester City está emprendiendo acciones legales contra la Premier League, reveló The Times en exclusiva. El periódico informa que el City está intentando poner fin a las reglas de transacciones entre partes asociadas (ATP) de la Premier League. Esas reglas se refieren a acuerdos comerciales y de patrocinio con empresas propiedad o asociadas con los propietarios del mismo club. Tal como están las cosas, esas reglas dictan que dichas transacciones deben evaluarse de forma independiente para determinar si tienen un valor justo de mercado. El Times informa que la ciudad cree que las reglas son «ilegales» y quieren reclamar daños y perjuicios por los ingresos perdidos por las prevenciones realizadas por esas reglas. El periodista del periódico, Matt Lawton, cita un documento legal de 165 páginas en el que el City afirma que es víctima de «discriminación». La regla se introdujo en diciembre de 2021 cuando el Fondo de Inversión Pública de Arabia Saudita compró Newcastle. La disputa legal se resolverá durante una audiencia de arbitraje de dos semanas que comenzará el lunes 10 de junio. Sky Sports News se comunicó con la Premier League y el Manchester City para solicitar comentarios. Seguiremos más… Esta es una noticia de última hora que se está actualizando y en breve se publicarán más detalles. Actualice esta página para obtener las últimas actualizaciones. #SkySportsNews #SkySports #premierleague ► Para conocer las últimas novedades sobre esta historia: Más de Sky Sports en YouTube: ► Sky Sports Retro: ► Sky Sports: ► Sky Sports Football: ► Sky Sports Boxing: ► Sky Sports F1: ► Sky Sports Cricket : ► Sky Sports Golf: ► Para solicitar información sobre la licencia del contenido de Sky Sports News, puede obtener más información aquí:

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41 respuestas a ÚLTIMA HORA: Man City 'emprende acciones legales' contra la Premier League por reglas financieras

  1. Man city owners thinks Premier league is corrupt like UEFA president. They bridge the financial rules and should be relegated to 2 division.

  2. if city owners operators wanted to operate as they wished 'without any restrictions' they should not have bought the club, you can't now having broke the rules say 'the rules are 'unfair and don't apply in the wider trading community'.

  3. @1977Futre dijo:

    ' I know I am but what are you?'

  4. If city lose this legal fight, the league going to relegate them for the breaches for sure

  5. Everyone knows they are guilty. And if they make it out without any penalty, we know why. 💰

  6. Man cheating club legal action EPL management 😂😂😂😂 what a jokes .

  7. @petuser1 dijo:

    the 8 clubs
    arsenal spurs united liverpool newcastle southampton villa and brighton, lets wake up and smell the coffee people

  8. After what the fa did to Everton, I support city all the way. Fa,UEFA and fit a r mafioso

  9. @shengyi1701 dijo:

    Absolute joke as Mark Goodbridge would say!

  10. These are the VALUES that dont sit well in OUR society. Human rights is another. Happy to take their money and oil though…

  11. I wonder if the media will stop fawning over Man City and Guardiola, or if they'll only tone it down a tad because they don't want to risk their access to the club and its players and manager.

  12. "Tyranny of the Majority". Quaint.

  13. No one is forcing Man City to join or continue to be apart of the Premier League. You don't like the rules – leave! The whole premise of the legal case is ridiculous.

  14. @lol-ig4ej dijo:

    Wow that hate on this football club is insane 😅😂

  15. Without city premiere league will be boring and also champion league. City is the only that beat Madrid convincedly

  16. @ejc636 dijo:

    Everton and 777. Hope they go busy.

  17. Get rid of this smelly club

  18. @MrAmeame dijo:

    At first I thought the title was just clickbait, I thought no way they'd be that blatant but wow zero shame 💀

  19. @mainchan01 dijo:

    City were nothing without oil money. They are bad for football, next year they will be champions for 5 years straight. Let that sink in.

  20. Blast me if you want, but I say punish them for 115 charges for breaking the rules. Going forward, impose a significant levy if teams spend over a certain amount and have it distributed throughout the league. Maybe that will provide a little more competitive balance.

  21. All other clubs should sue Man City as well for cheating and lost of income. Kick them out of every league in England and takeaway all there titles and give it too the second place team. If this does not happen then their is no point in watching football paying for your tv subscription to watch football.


  23. This is literally admitting guilt 😂😂😂

  24. @NovelloNine dijo:

    Buying enough time to hit the big 5-in-a-row

  25. @xaked103 dijo:

    Kick them out already

  26. @yamiscape dijo:

    I knew this would happen. Man City won’t be found guilty of any of the charges, and there will be a push from clubs to scrap FFP because it’s nonsense.

  27. @Essydyk dijo:

    They are admitting they have broken the rules then and now want to try and rewrite those rules whilst looking to make themselves the victims.

    This is a massive gamble from them – if they lose this they are toast.

  28. @mangoesboy dijo:

    If 115 city wins this legal case, then all the remaining clubs should boycott the cheat.

  29. @ch630 dijo:

    Man City has been the best club in EPL the past decade regardless of ffp violation. They are a joy to watch. But this action by City is just disgusting. Crying foul on the rule that every team agree to comply, but City want special privileges. Disgusting.

  30. @moej93 dijo:

    The rule is stupid

  31. @PaulM68322 dijo:

    If there was ever an admittance of guilt

  32. TL; DW – Man City have enough money to break the PL's rules, avoid punishment, and find a way to legally make more money from the PL because Man City's lawyers are confident they can find a loophole in the contract Man City signed with them. This is despite Man City knowing the rules for 32 years in a row and contractually agreeing to follow them. 💰🗣️

  33. @kueiseong dijo:

    Premier league should punish city 10 season playing in league 1

  34. "We want to financially dope but you won't let us wahhh"

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