¿Es la Fantasy Premier League más difícil que NUNCA? ━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙏 Suscríbete: 👍 Sígueme: ✉️ Suscríbete a mi boletín informativo GRATUITO: 💪 Conviértete en miembro del canal: 📩 Consultas comerciales: andy@letstalkfpl.com ━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━ #FPL #FantasyPremierLeague #PremierLeague
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The answer is obviously yes
I'm having the best season I've ever had, currently in the top 6k
I'm flying high with a 17k ranking. My second season after placing 198k last season. It's not really that hard, but A LOT of people have template teams. Playing FPL today is all about getting the emerging good player options before the crowd.
Lovely loop Andy.
i wish i would have known about fpl before i did i have watched the prem since like 2009 but didn't even know about fpl until 2018 which was the first time i played in the 18-19 season my best ever finish since then was 20-21 when i got in the top 40k i think somewhere around 32k
It's harder but also easier since we all get ideas from Youtube from you guys. Look at how similar how our teams are now. In the past teams didn't look alike. Most fpl managers didn't understand the rules. I remember making teams balanced with defensive midfielders and thinking you had to make a proper team like in real life.
FPL needs to change the points system and more chips.
Went from rank 45th thousand to 447th thousand in 2 weeks
I'm in a mini league with 70 players. I swear all 49 above me must be in the top 1,000 😂
Problem is 90% of the players are same for many managers and 10% differentials actually decides who to finish top
You just have everyone copying people online. Everyone has the same players. Everyone is told about stuff they'd previously have to research themselves
Hi Andy,
I started following up your consent recently but now I am addicted to them, you put a lot of information in numerous videos, much appreciated,
Love your analysis,
Greeting you from Somalia 🇸🇴❤❤
I'm 14 it's my 2nd season and I'm top 2000 and I don't watch epl
definitely harder. About 2 million people are doing it with over a million doing it seriously while watching creators. Getting top 250k is the equivalent to top 50k now which even just 2-3 seasons ago was good
Great idea to introduce these shorts videos onto your channel keep up the good work Andy 👍
It is much harder, but it's my 5th season and I am having my best so far. Just outside the top 1k. My best season was 2 years ago finished 90k. For me it's been a combo of making better decisions and getting a bit lucky at times. I have not taken a hit all season nor used a chip yet. I currently have 6 players who will blank in GW25, so that will be my biggest challenge, whether to free hit or manage it otherwise.
Hardest ever it has been .. n it's going to grow harder n harder every season. 11mil + managers.
I think it’s actually easier amazingly. Lots of children and players that just bring in high points scorers with no strategy.
Yes it is but GAME ONNN
Love it! Though I'm doing shite this season 😆
Work on a % rank basis and point gaps. Eg difference betwee no 200k and 500k just 31pts, 1 mm and 2m just 45pts and each million gap after that an average of 40pts
A huge chunk of those 11m players are bots or multiple account holders trying to win the weekly prizes. Have a look at some of the teams that have highest weekly points tally, they're often very unrealistic looking player choices for a balanced squad
Much harder now with the amount of players! Add to that the last few seasons have been pretty difficult with all the random double and blank weeks.
Most definitely it is. More players and more active players. People in my friend leagues who didn't pay much attention previous years have started following FPL youtube and instagram content.
Those 1000 FPL expert videos has made FPL more boring and predictable
Much harder now for sure
Its much harder. There are much more engaged managers than there's ever been. For me it's been really difficult to break in to the top 100k this season
Ooh love that ending line, looping back to the question at the beginning. Lovely editing.
It's easier to do u masters in medicine then it is to play fpl
It is I started 06/07 season and have gotten progressively worse 😂🤣😂
I think we shouldn't look at the rank as a number but better as % of the playerbase.
Top 1% of all managers are in top 110K
and 0.5% is in the Top 55K
Finishing in top 100k might be not as impressive for some people because we got used to say top 10k is the real deal but still you are in top 1% of all managers.
Means from 100 managers you're the best.
And from 1000 you're in top 10.
Think like in you're local school (with ~1000 students) If you tell me I am in top 10 of a school with 1000 people I'll be very happy about that.
Love these shorts
Loving these shorts Andy, keep it up 👍
Just how much harder is FPL right now?